
Macbook Pro

Monday, 8 August 2016

The-Benefits-of-Eating-Together. The-Family-Who-Eats-Together-Stays-Together

The Benefits of Eating Together

The Family Who Eats Together Stays Together


"Come and get it!" It may be dinnertime, but when was the last time your family sat down and enjoyed a mealtogether? With music lessons, ball practice, play rehearsal, and work schedules, it can be tough. Rounding up the troops for an evening meal can be almost impossible! However, research is beginning to show that eating as a family has great benefits for your children and teenagers. Here are 8 more reasons why you should try to sit down together 5-6 times a week, whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Reason #1: Communication and Well-Being
Conversations during the meal provide opportunities for the family to bond, plan, connect, and learn from one another. It’s a chance to share information and news of the day, as well as give extra attention to your children and teens. Family meals foster warmth, security and love, as well as feelings of belonging. It can be a unifying experience for all.

Reason #2: Model Manners (and more)
Family mealtime is the perfect opportunity to display appropriate table manners, meal etiquette, and social skills. Keep the mood light, relaxed, and loving. Try not to instruct or criticize—lead by example.

Reason # 3: Expand Their World…One Food at a Time
Encourage your children to try new foods, without forcing, coercing, or bribing. Introduce a new food along with some of the stand-by favorites. Remember that it can take 8-10 exposures to a new food before it is accepted, so be patient. Trying a new food is like starting a new hobby. It expands your child’s knowledge, experience, and skill.
  • Include foods from other cultures and countries.
  • Select a new vegetable from a local farmer’s market.
  • Have your child select a new recipe from a cookbook, web site, newspaper, magazine or check out the recipes on SparkPeople.
Reason #4: Nourish
Meals prepared and eaten at home are usually more nutritious and healthy. They contain more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products along with additional nutrients such as fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C, and folate. Home cooked meals are usually not fried or highly salted, plus soda and sweetened beverage consumption is usually lower at the dinner table.

Reason #5: Become Self-Sufficient Children today are missing out on the importance of knowing how to plan and prepare meals. Basic cooking, baking, and food preparation are necessities for being self-sufficient. Involve your family in menu planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation. Preschoolers can tear lettuce, cut bananas, and set the table. Older children can pour milk, peel vegetables, and mix batter. Teenagers can dice, chop, bake, and grill. Working as a team puts the meal on the table faster, as well as makes everyone more responsible and accepting of the outcome. Improved eating habits come with "ownership" of a meal.

Reason #6: Prevent Destructive Behaviors
Research shows that frequent family dinners (five or more a week), are associated with lower rates of smoking, drinking, and illegal drug use in pre-teens and teenagers when compared to families that eat together two or fewer times per week. Even as older children’s schedules get more complicated, it is important to make an effort to eat meals together. Scheduling is a must.

Reason #7: Improve Grades
Children do better in school when they eat more meals with their parents and family. Teenagers who eat dinner four or more times per week with their families have higher academic performance compared with teenagers who eat with their families two or fewer times per week.

Reason # 8: Save Money
Meals purchased away from home cost two to four times more than meals prepared at home. At present time the restaurant industry’s share of the total food dollar is more than 46%. Due to scheduling, commitments, and activities, families eat out several times each week.

It is time to bring the "family" back to the dinner table. Sharing dinner together gives everyone a sense of identity. It can help ease day-to-day conflicts, as well as establish traditions and memories that can last a lifetime.    

Saturday, 30 July 2016


Home Remedies to Reduce Body Heat

Body heat, also known as heat stress, is a common health problem caused by exposure to high temperatures. It occurs when the body is not able to cool itself enough to keep its temperature within the normal range of 36.5–37.5 degrees Celsius 97.7–99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. The body normally cools off by sweating, but sometimes sweating is not sufficient and the temperature keeps rising.
Factors like very hot and humid weather, spending too much time in the sun, wearing tight clothing, strenuous workouts or physical exercise and certain medical conditions may cause or worsen the problem.
Body heat is not a disease but it should not be taken lightly. If left untreated, it can develop into a heatstroke. Anyone can suffer from heat stress, but people over 65, babies and young children, pregnant and nursing mothers, and people who are physically unwell are at a higher risk.

It results in generalized weakness and lethargy, dizziness, headache, nausea, muscle cramps, excessive sweating and a rapid heartbeat. Plus, it is often accompanied by dehydration.
There are several easy yet effective methods to address this problem. Plus, it is recommended to move to a shady or air-conditioned area and remove tight clothing. Sponging with cool water will also be beneficial.
home remedies to reduce body heat

Here are the top 10 home remedies to reduce body heat.

1. Cool Water

Cool water helps reduce body heat. It also helps the body recover quickly from the side effects of high temperature.
  • As soon as you notice an increase in body temperature, drink a tall glass of cool water. Then, sip some cool water every 15 minutes. This will help prevent dehydration, which can worsen your condition.
  • Another option is to add ice cubes to a foot tub filled with cool water. Immerse your feet in the bucket for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • You can also enjoy a cool bath to reduce body heat.

2. Coconut Water

Coconut water is another effective remedy to help treat heat exhaustion. Its electrolyte composition is excellent for rehydrating the body. Plus, it is loaded with nutrients that help lift your energy.
Drink a glass of tender coconut water a few times daily.

3. Lemon

Regular use of lemon can keep the body cool and prevent heat-related illnesses. The high vitamin C in lemon can help lower body temperature. It also hydrates and oxygenates the body to keep you feeling energized and refreshed during the hot summer days.
  1. Squeeze the juice from ½ lemon into a glass of water.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt to it.
  3. Drink about 3 glasses of this refreshing drink a day.

4. Sandalwood

The soothing and cooling properties of sandalwood can effectively reduce increased body temperature.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder with enough water or cold milk to make a fine paste. Add a few drops of rose water and apply this paste on your forehead and chest. Allow it to dry on its own, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Another option is to apply a little sandalwood oil on your forehead and leave it on for a few hours. If you have never applied sandalwood oil on your skin, add a few drops of this oil in one teaspoon of coconut oil and then apply to avoid skin irritation.
  • You can also sprinkle sandalwood powder on your armpits, chest and back after taking a shower to maintain cooler body temperature.

5. Peppermint

Peppermint has a soothing and cooling effect. Thus, it is an effective remedy to help reduce body heat.

  • Simmer a few ounces of fresh peppermint leaves in a pot of boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain out the leaves and allow the water to cool. Add the peppermint-infused water to a bathtub filled with cool bath water and soak in it for at least 20 minutes. You can also prepare a peppermint bath by adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil to cool bath water.
  • Steep one teaspoon of fresh or dried peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water. Strain and sweeten with a little raw honey. Cool it in the refrigerator and enjoy your cool peppermint tea a few times a day. In addition to reducing body heat, it will also relieve nausea and headache.

6. Watermelon

Watermelon aids in quickly reducing body heat due to its high water content. A potent detoxifier, this fruit helps remove harmful toxins from the body, which can contribute to body heat. Eating watermelon regularly, especially during the summer season, will also help keep you hydrated.
  • Eat a few slices of watermelon, or combine it with some cold milk and sugar to make a refreshing drink.
  • You can also mix cubes of watermelon with cucumber and muskmelon. Then drizzle a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar over it to make a healthy salad.

7. Aloe Vera

aloe vera
Aloe vera is another popular home remedy to reduce body heat. Its soothing and cooling properties can help maintain normal body temperature.
  • Extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf and rub it over your body. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes, then take a cold bath. Repeat as needed.
  • You can also drink a glass of homemade aloe vera juice prepared with up to 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Do not consume more than 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel a day.

8. Indian Gooseberry

amla fruits
Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is a powerhouse of vitamin C that helps reduce body heat.
  • Mix 1 part amla juice with 4 parts water. Add a little salt or sugar to improve the taste. Drink it twice daily during the summer to prevent heat stress.
  • Another option is to add 2 teaspoons of amla juice, 1 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to a glass of water. Drink this daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

9. Buttermilk

According to Ayurveda, buttermilk is a useful home remedy to reduce body heat. It can also be beneficial for women who suffer from hot flashes and men who have high metabolism. It also provides the body with the required minerals and vitamins that are lost during excessive sweating.
  • Drink a glass of buttermilk with your breakfast in the summer to keep your body cool throughout the day.
  • Another option is to blend together ½ cup of thick yogurt, some water and a pinch of salt. Enjoy this homemade buttermilk twice daily.

10. Poppy Seeds

poppy seeds
Poppy seeds, also known as opium, have a cooling effect on the body and regulate body temperature. This in turn helps reduce body heat.
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of crushed poppy seeds and a little sugar.
  2. Have it once daily during the summer season to get rid of excessive body heat.
You can also eat a small amount of poppy seeds before going to sleep.

Note: Do not take poppy seeds in large quantities. Poppy seeds are not suitable for children.

Additional Tips
  • Avoid exposure to excessive heat and humidity whenever possible.
  • Drink a glass of fresh pomegranate juice mixed with a few drops of almond oil every morning.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing that can help you stay cool.
  • Avoid wearing excess clothes that can prevent sweat from evaporating easily.
  • Sleep in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not drink caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they affect your body’s ability to regulate your temperature.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to replenish fluids lost through sweating.
  • Try to stay in a shady or air-conditioned place during peak summer days.
  • Do not sit inside a car parked in the sun.
  • Schedule exercise or physical activities for cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening. Regular exercise can help prevent heat exhaustion in the long run as it allows your body to adjust to hot conditions.
  • Before going out in the sun, apply sunscreen generously all over exposed body parts to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Stay away from hot and spicy foods as well as fatty and fried foods.
  • Do not eat nuts daily as they can increase heat in the body. Try to have them 2 or 3 times a week.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Here - Are - Great - Ways - That - You - Can - Boost - Your - Confidence

Here Are Great Ways That You Can Boost Your Confidence

Self confidence is the key to a successful life – self confident people are admired by other and inspire confidence. They face their face and often tend to be risk takers. It’s a life skill that we all need to reach the top.

Always keep positive

Keeping positivity and positive people in your life is important for your self esteem and self growth. This is important for evaluating your friends and family – keep your circle positive and encouraging and get rid of the negative people in your life.

Change your body language and self image

Body posture, smiling are key parts of your self esteem building process. Smiling and good posture won’t only make you look better but it make you feel better along with giving the illusion of self confidence.Dressing nicely is a great way to keep your confidence up.

Don’t accept failure

Never give up on what you want, there is a solution to everything and so its important not to throw in the towel. Refrain from listening to negative voices in your head, low self esteem is created by listening to negative voices in your head so its important that you shut them up.

Be prepared

Being unprepared can be a big set up for failure and all you need to really do is be prepared and have confidence to back up the knowledge that you already have garnered through your extensive preparation.

Create a great list

A great list is a list that you can refer to when its difficult to find the confidence that you need. This list consists of all your accomplishments, things that you have done to make yourself proud and circumstances that you have overcome that have gotten you this far.

Thursday, 21 July 2016


Rajinikanth’s Kabali review online and the world is going crazy

On Thursday morning, the day when Kabali released in the US, a review also landed online.

The expectations are sky-high when Rajinikanth is out with a film and Kabali is no exception. The fan mania around the film is unbelievable and producer Kalaipuli S Dhanu is guarding his film with utmost attention.
However, first it was alleged that Kabali released on Dark Web and now a scene, said to be Rajinikanth’s introduction in Kabali leaked on Whatsapp and Facebook. On Thursday morning, the day when Kabali released in the US, a Kabali review also landed online. A man named Balaji Srinivisan posted the review on Facebook in the morning and the search, Balaji Srinivasan Kabali, on the social media site soared. Almost 30,000 people have searched for it already.
Balaji Srinivasan’s Kabali – The Review
Thanks to bay area cine industry friends, I got to watch a preview show of Kabali. I went in with no expectations and came out with mixed feelings. Kabali is paisa vasool for Rajinikanth fans while others can have equal fun mocking the aged superstar go through his paces.

5 Reasons To Watch Rajinikanth’s Kabali

So, in this movie, the setting moves to Malaysia, where tamils are ill-treated and need a Messiah to save them. Enter the Superstar, who, like Nelson Mandela, spends several years in prison for his opposition to racism. When he comes out, he settles down to a regular life (think Baasha’s auto driver), until circumstances force him to become a gangster and rescue his daughter from the enemies. And of course, he becomes the leader of Tamils/Dalits in Malaysia and improves their conditions tremendously.
For a Rajini fan, this will all give him/her goosebumps. Slow motion walks, stylish poses, crisp dialogues are all there, and theatres will explode with applause each time Rajini does his carefully choreographed routine. There are flashback scenes where he looks “youth” that is sure to make his fans feel nostalgic. Director Ranjith has ensured that the larger than life image of Rajini has been preserved. In essence, it feels like a lifetime highlights of various Rajini movie scenes re-enacted.

Watch: Kabali Tamil Movie | Official Teaser

For a casual cinema goer though, the whole shindig will feel thoroughly artificial and unbearable. The aged star with heavy makeup trying to act as a 30 year old is cringe-worthy. For someone who in real life has shied away from any responsibility, has acted without any consistency in politics, a person who has never stood up to his beliefs (he appreciated Jayalalitha getting out of prison for the case that he railed against her in ’96!), Rajinikanth again doing the act of the mass leader and people’s savior is laughable. The real life Rajini can do no right except to kindle talks about his entry into politics. But movie after movie, he does his act, and it is getting a bit long on the tooth.
Ranjith could have made a better film on the plight of the Malaysian tamils. May be that was his original plan.
The movie though, ends up as yet another commercial vehicle for the Superstar. Ranjith’s Dalit politics take a backseat here. Radhika Apte is apt in her role as is Dhansika. Watch out for a surprise cameo from someone you wouldn’t expect in a Rajini film. Neruppudaa is a surprising ear worm from Santosh Narayanan.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

HP Elite x3 will also be available as part of a bundle that would include a premium headset and HP Elite x3 Desk Dock, and will cost $799. This bundle, however, will be available only from August 29, Windows Central reports.


  • HP Elite x3 to start from $699 in the US, EUR 699 in Europe
  • Elite x3 to also come in bundles with premium headset, HP Elite x3 Desk Dock
  • To offer single-SIM, dual-SIM variants depending on region
HP on Monday announced that the Elite x3 - the Windows 10 Mobile smartphone it had unveiled at MWC 2016 - will be available at $699 in the US and EUR 699 in the EU for the 64GB unlocked version, with the global rollout starting by the end of July.
The US-based PC giant also confirmed (via Windows Central) the smartphone will be launched in 47 countries including India. The smartphone will be available in single as well as dual SIM variants depending on region.
HP Elite x3 will also be available as part of a bundle that would include a premium headset and HP Elite x3 Desk Dock, and will cost $799. This bundle, however, will be available only from August 29, Windows Central reports.

Another bundle that would include HP Elite x3, HP Elite x3 Desk Dock, and HP Elite x3 Lap Dock will be available at a later date - but no pricing was revealed. It's the Lap Dock that made the Elite x3 such an exciting device.
In our first impressions of the phone, we said that we were able to open multiple Windows applications including the likes of Chrome, Google Earth and Excel, and were also able to switch between them just like we would on a Windows PC.
We also pointed out that HP Elite x3 is an interesting device and could be uniquely positioned to kickstart a whole new segment in the enterprise IT space based on its technical qualities.
Download the Gadgets 360 app for Android and iOS to stay up to date with the latest tech news, product reviews, and exclusive deals on the popular mobiles.

Friday, 15 July 2016

G+ It. Digg It. ROI It with Google Social Analytics: social media channels impact your ROI? Wonder no more!

G+ It. Digg It. ROI It with Google Social Analytics!

Do you know which social media channels impact your ROI? Wonder no more!
Today Google Analytics announced a new set of Social reports within Google Analytics which takes us from the social conversations to the impact on our investments. This social reporting suite  delivers marketers the final puzzle piece to make informed social media decisions based on results. Finally the social engagement and impact metrics we have all been waiting for!
The reports are based on pages or content social media visitors access during their visits.  The above report gives a macro view into  how social media delivers or does not deliver value based on outcomes. We can quickly see in the overview report a high level picture of social value.
Digging a little deeper, we want to see how each social channel is measuring up and contributing to conversions. Thus we turn to the Social Sources report. By Social Source we are able to track the conversions by social media source and the conversion value associated with each.  These reports will be available under the standard reporting tab.
A couple of Details:
The social reports are based on participants in the Social Data Hub.  These reports will be rolled out in the next few weeks, so keep checking back and share your thoughts with us as you gain access to the social ROI insights!
Included reports are:
  • Overview Report: see your social performance overview
  • Conversions Report: see your goals and how being impacted by social media
  • Social Sources: see how visitors behave differently between social souces
  • Social Plugins: see which content is being used socially
  • Activity Stream: see offsite social activity in Google Analytics